Wednesday, May 29, 2013

God In The Midst of the Storm

Photo: Our prayers go out to families looking for loved ones and those whose lives will never be the same.This past week the most devastating tornado the world has ever seen ripped across my home state of Oklahoma taking the lives of 24 people and damaging hundreds of homes. It is hard to grasp or wrap your mind around the horrifying extent of devastation & grief which these tornadoes have caused.  There are so many without all the things which I was so blessed to wake up to this morning. While all my loved ones are safe, so many have not been as blessed. It breaks my heart to hear & see all the devastation so near home.  I am so thankful for God's incredible protection over my home state in the midst of this devastation. It really is an act of His mercy that so many lives were spared and so many are being given a second chance at life.  Just hearing the incredibly moving stories of the literal miracles that have occurred and seeing so many families, neighbors, strangers, communities and people from all over the country rallying together to help those who have lost everything is so stirring and encouraging.

I would like to share one such story with you.  My sister, Jennifer Cushman's home was right in the way of the tornado yet her family and home were completely unharmed.  However, not far from where she lives is Scott and Sheri Cushman, her brother and sister-in-law; a wonderfully Godly family who survived the Moore tornado inside their closet. Their home was completely destroyed and I am convinced the only reason they survived is because of God's miraculous protection. My sister has created a blog with their story and pictures. For those of you wanting to bless tornado victims with tangible hope during this difficult time of recovery and healing I ask that you prayerfully consider donating to this family. What they need most at this time is the funds to pay for the temporary housing, food, gas, and of course all new household items. On the blog my sister has set up a link where the cash you give will go directly into Scott and Sheri's hands. 

As you continue your every day life, remember each day you have, each moment with those you love, all the earthly blessings you possess, these are all temporary gifts from God, you never know when you may loose them so thank God for every blessing He's given you and enjoy it to the fullest and when you have opportunity, share the over-abundance with those who may not have the privileges you enjoy daily!

As you count your blessings this week please continue to lift up the Cushman family and all those affected by the May tornadoes in your prayers!


Tuesday, April 9, 2013

And Your Praise Goes On...

I am ashamed that there is such an incredibly long interval between this post and my last one which was written in...eesh...November. But as always, just because the posting has slowed does not mean the blessings have ceased. I am always experiencing too many to count and the time that has elapsed between posts just proves that I have been so caught up in living and experiencing life and it's constant joyful and painful blessings that I have not had a free moment to post. Today I am just feeling so overcome by the blessedness of life that I am unable to contain it any longer and must share some of its joys with you.

The past few months have had their constant challenges, blessings and trails but through it all, the Lord has continued to draw me closer to Himself and lift my eyes to Him.  This week, today in particular, has been a prime example of this. As the lack of sleep and the struggles of life were wearing me down a bit, I was struggling to contain my emotions as I stepped outside to join my sister who had come to pick me up on her flower delivery rounds.  I was taken aback when she greeted me unexpectedly at the front door with a pot of breathtakingly beautiful Anemone flowers of the deepest purple. It took my breath away. 
My purple Anemones from Sara!
I had never seen real Anemones, only pictures. This one was so strikingly beautiful and since it was potted it would continue growing.  The reason this was so special was because for weeks I had been raving over the pictures I had seen online of this gorgeous flower which I had learned meant “love ever steadfast”.  Some of you know I love Sunflowers because of the meaning they hold for me, but in general I’ve never been one to be enraptured so greatly by the simple elegance and beauty of a flower as I had ever since seeing a white Anemones on Pinterest. So when Sara noticed they were being sold at Lowe’s, while buying flowers for the flower shop, she purchased one for me as a random act of love.  An overwhelming sea of emotion swept over me and I was again reminded of God’s love that is ever steadfast, unmovable, constant, never changing.  He loved me so greatly that the petty little cares and concerns that had caused me to feel overwhelmed the past few days mattered to Him and He used my sister to bring me flowers, a sweet reminder of His unfailing love.  I am so incredibly thankful for my sister, Sara and all the dear friends and family who have continually filled my life with blessed reminders to lift my eyes to the One who deserves all my praise and all my love.

The link below is a song by one of my favorite Christian artists, Chris Rice, who expresses and sums up these past few months so perfectly in his song "And Your Praise Goes On".

Please share with me in the "comment" section how the Lord has been blessing you recently and don't forget to thank Him for these blessings!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Jesus In Disguise

Amidst the daily routine of changing diapers, making meals, washing dishes, playing Barbie’s, soldiers, and all the usual duties of Nannyhood, I realized that Thanksgiving was soon approaching and I would have a four day week-end away from the fast pace rush of life.  Instantaneously the words “Thanksgiving” halted my train of thought and reminded me that I had not updated my Thankfulness blog, or my thankfulness journal for that matter, in a long while.  One would naturally assume that Thanksgiving would be the holiday of all holidays about which I would post a fantastic article.  What would I write?  I was drawing a complete blank.  Maybe I’d just skip it this time. 

Fast forward a couple of days, I’m on my way to pick up Chinese take-out from my favorite Asian restaurant.  Mind full and heart heavy with many pressing and stressful situations, I step out into the dimly lit parking lot, pull my white jacket over my shoulders and proceed toward the building. Halfway across I see a weathered looking Hispanic man sitting in the shadows near the door and looking my direction.  Conscious that I am a young woman, alone in an empty parking lot in a bad part of town, I hasten my steps and avert my eyes.  I glance sideways while passing and notice big tattoos covering his arms.  A few steps from the door I hear a faint and tired voice call out.

“Please, do you have any extra change? Anything helps.”  I barely hear his voice and, given the situation, the average person’s impulse would be to pretend not to notice and move on.  Yet something holds me back and forces me to turn and face this man.  

“Sorry, what did you say?” I ask, slightly nervous.  Humiliated, he ducks his head low and barely looks me in the eye as he replies,

“It’s embarrassing to even ask…but do you have any extra change you could give me?”

I slightly enquire further into the need of his situation, feeling ashamed for doubting but struggling with the possibility that I might be enabling a lazy person who will not work or financing a drug addict, smoker, or alcoholic in their addiction.  At my enquiry, he looks a little surprised as though his reason for needing money should be very obvious and understandable.

“We live and sleep on the streets,” he replies dejectedly, nodding towards the darkness beyond.  “Every little bit helps.”  There is a look of painful truth in his eyes and instead of speculating as to whether or not his story is completely true I go with the impulse of the moment and give him what little I have, apologizing for not being able to give more.  All the while, James 2:15-16 is running through my head;

 “If a brother or sister be naked, and destitute of daily food, and one of you say unto them, Depart in peace, be ye warmed and filled; notwithstanding ye give them not those things which are needful to the body, what doth it profit?”

Looking me in the eyes he extends his hand and asks for my name.  Accepting his gesture I give him my first name. 

“My name is Angel,” he replies. I tell Angel that Jesus loves and cares greatly for him and, finding him still there on my way out of the restaurant, wish him goodnight and “God bless you” which he returns.  Deeply burdened for a need much greater than my own I begin praying for this man on my way home and wishing I had said more, thought to give him my food or a card to my church or done…something…anything…just more.   As I reflect over our brief and fairly average encounter I flip on the radio and hear Brandon Heath’s voice singing,

“Jesus in disguise, Jehovah passing by. The burden of a tear hanging in your eye. Jesus in disguise, a scar across the sky. You were looking for a king, you would never recognize, Jesus in disguise.  So open up my eyes, wide as I can, blind as I am.”

Chills run up and down my arm and these words come to mind, “Be not forgetful to entertain strangers; for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.” –Hebrews 13:2

Though that man may not have been a literal angel, God has said, “Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as you have done it unto the least of these my brethren, you have done it unto me.”  -Matthew 25:40

I encountered Jesus in disguise through Angel.  In extending love to him I was extending it to Jesus.

How fast my concerns and worries disappear the moment I concentrate on a need far greater than my own.  It puts my life into perspective as I realize how much I have been blessed with; a home, job, food, clothes, family, friends, church…but most importantly I have a relationship with the God and creator of the universe and a hope, peace, joy, and strength that perhaps this man does not have.  I prayed over him all the way home that somehow he would have encountered Jesus in that brief and amazing moment that we talked.  I know I did.

The next day I knew immediately what I would write on my blog.

As we remember how the Lord has provided for all our needs, that we are not homeless, abandoned, unloved, unwanted, ignored, starved or desolate, remember also that  God always gives us more than we need so that we might extend that blessing to others.  I want to challenge you to think of all the average every day blessings we enjoy each day as well as the more notable ones and thank God for them all, then ask and seek ways to reciprocate that blessing by ministering to someone with a need greater than your own.  They may not always be in need of our finances.  It may be our love, a word of kindness, compassion, listening ear, hug, smile, food, clothes, friendship, or perhaps more than anything they need to hear the hope of salvation which is found in Jesus Christ. 

Even if we are lacking in many areas of our life, if we know Jesus Christ as our Lord & Savior than we truly have more than enough to be thankful for.  

What are you thankful for this Thanksgiving season and how can you extend that blessing to others?

“Give thanks with a grateful heart. Give thanks to the Holy one. Give thanks because He’s given Jesus Christ, His Son.  And now, let the weak say I am strong, let the poor say I am rich, because of what the Lord has done for us. Give thanks.”

Friday, October 12, 2012

These Unspeakable Gifts

There are so many blessings contained in one day
Too many to count or to even convey
Simple wonders we often do not observe
Mercies and blessings we seldom deserve

Like mornings that dawn with hopes renewed
The scent of coffee freshly brewed
Quiet time alone with God
Someone who loves us, though we are flawed
Walking barefoot on a cool, sandy beach
The changing of seasons & the beauty in each
Patches of flowers growing wild
The whispered “I love you” from a little child

Wings of a dragonfly intricately detailed
Forgiveness in times when we have failed 
Crates brimming with apples so red and crisp
The smile of a child whose lost tooth brings a lisp

Cherished memories of a loved one who’s deceased
Hard works compensation through pay that’s increased
Gods faithfulness always for our needs to supply
The cool night air and star bejeweled sky

Endearing clasp of a hand weathered and old
Arms that accept and lovingly enfold 
Music that speaks to the core of our being
Eyes to enjoy everything we are seeing

A timely word that ministers and uplifts
“Thanks be unto God for these unspeakable gifts!” -2 Corinthians 9:15

Written By: Robin Burk 
All rights reserved © 2012

Friday, August 31, 2012

Get Them Started While They're Young

As many of you know, being a full time Nanny has been my occupation for the past several years. Recently, after reading the article linked to my previous blog post, I was confronted with the embarrassing fact that in all those months of journaling my blessings, I had never shared the idea with my children, nor did I encourage them to start making their own list. 

Though incredibly blessed with perhaps more indulgences than needed, their mother and I had often discussed the fact that, like most children, they could be rather unappreciative at times. When I read the article on ways to encourage an “attitude of gratitude” in our children, I was stumped as to why I had never thought of doing this before!   

So this week I purchased two note books, uniquely suited to their personality, wrote their names inside the cover flap along with the reminder to “Count your blessings, name them one by one. Count your many blessings, see what God has done”, and we immediately got started with the challenge to write five blessings at the end of each day. They took to it immediately and I have been so impressed and encouraged by some of the things they have recorded.  I’ll just share a few:

Parker and Piper, ages 6 & 4
1. Thank you, God for letting Robin play my favorite game, shooting targets.
2. I am thankful for God creating us and giving us a heart so we can love each other.
3. I am thankful that God lets our mommy & daddy buy me stuff & for all the toys I have & for God letting me give them (mom & dad) special gifts for holidays.
4. Thank you, God for my macaroni and beef for lunch.
5. Thank you for Robin helps us make a special card for mom and dad’s anniversary and that I can remember those things in my brain and then say it in a good sentence.

Piper, age 4:
1. Thank you that we love our God, that He’s a fun God, & I always love Him & hope He has a good day in heaven.
2. Thank you for Robin, helps us close our eyes and take naps. 
3. Thank you for my teacher not make me take naps and I love her so much.
4. Thank you for my two kitties. They kinda bite & scratch but you can get better.
5. Thank you for mommy & daddy make good food and thank you for the goodest soup for lunch.

How cute is that?!  I hope this inspires you to get your children started on their own “Thankfulness Journals”. If you’re consistent, before long you’ll begin to see positive results in their attitudes.  They may surprise you by how much they are thankful for but simply forgot to put into words at the moment it occurred.  As a parent or childcare giver, it’s always a blessing to know that your children do appreciate and acknowledge the things you do or have provided for them.  They just need to be reminded to articulate their thankfulness daily so that it becomes a habit throughout the rest of life.

So what are some things that you are thankful for this week?  Do you have any ideas as to how to encourage an attitude of gratitude?  Please hit the “comment” button and share with us! It’s always a blessing to hear from you.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Encouraging An Attitude of Gratitude

A while back, I was contacted by a lady who'd been encouraged by my blog. She shared with me an article which had recently been posted on her own blog, titled "How Nannies Can Encourage an Attitude of Gratitude"I was thrilled to receive this email and, being a Nanny myself, was eager to read the article which I thoroughly enjoyed and found to be very insightful and beneficial not only for Nannies, but also for any childcare giver; parent, sibling etc...

Linked below you will find the article which includes many creative ways to encourage your children to have an attitude of gratitude at an early age, greatly benefiting them in years to come. So check it out and feel free to share your thoughts or any blessings which you have experienced this week in the "comment" box below.

Blessings on your week!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Nature's Revelation

These words welled up inside my heart late one night after silently observing the beauty of God’s creation while traveling to Michigan. The magnificent wonder of it all causes me to pause and thank Him for blessing us day to day with such splendor, be it simple or great.  May these words inspire your heart as well, to worship our Creator with thankful hearts.

“The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament showeth His handiwork. Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night showeth knowledge. There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard.” –Psalm 19:1-3

Glowing sun orb, fiery orange
Awakes the earth from sleep
Bursting forth so gloriously
‘Ore shadows of the deep

Rising slowly in the sky
Dispersing the shrouds of night
Casting smashing shades upon 
The clouds of purest white

Soon we find the midday sky
Reflecting in waters blue
And skirting the calm, tranquil pond
An awe-inspiring view

Luscious slopping hills of green
Tall pines which stand erect
A host of wildlife gather ‘neath
Strong limbs of which protect

A moment later, ominous clouds
Roll in as if on duty
A crack of lightning, peel of thunder
Form its own majestic beauty

Sheets of rain descend
The earth’s refreshed once more
A rainbow’s vivid rays appear
An end to the down-pour

And each reflecting droplet rests
Upon both leaf and flower
Catching the glint of sunlight
Following the sudden shower

And as the sun begins to set
Upon a sky of grey
It melts into such soft pastels
And slowly fades away

Then just as if out of a dream
Floats in the blackening sky
Enchanting silvery moon
And twinkling stars shooting by
Fireflies like pixie dust
Gleaming in the night
Shimmering magic through wooded forest
Mystic sparkling light

All creation moves
With such miraculous wonderment
And fills a soul with questions
Of the Creators true intent

To bless our form of life
Though perverse in all its ways
With such surpassing beauty
Causing awe-inspiring praise

The intricate magnificence
Reveals the Master’s hand
In ways our eyes can see
Yet often fail to understand

So blessed are we to wake
Each morning to its view
A heavenly masterpiece composed
With love for me and you

© 2012